Monday, October 7, 2019

October 2019

October 7: Fall Festivals
In our Leveled Book, Mark learns how to make his flashlight work. Flashlights can be helpful tools to have when you are outside after dark. For which of the following fall activities would a flashlight be helpful? Why? making apple pie trick or treating carving pumpkins hayride
October 14: World Series
In our Chapter Book, we learn about science. Science can help us learn about many things in our world, including baseball. Read the n2y Library Book, The Physics of Baseball, by Kathy Staugler, to learn about force, speed, friction, trajectory and gravity. Then watch for examples of each of these things as you enjoy this year’s World Series.
October 21: Celebrating Dinosaurs!
In this unit, we learned about some famous scientists. Some scientists study dinosaurs and other plants and animals from long ago. These scientists are called paleontologists. Interested in learning more about paleontologists and what they do? Visit this site where Mark Norell tells what it’s like to be a paleontologist: ogy/being-a-paleontologist-mark-norell  
October 28: Awesome Kids’ Museum
At the National Children’s Museum, kids get to participate in activities that help them learn about science and other subjects. Choose one of the scientists you learned about this month and design an activity that teaches about this person. Then turn your classroom into a museum and invite students from another class to come learn about the scientist. Assign each student a job to do at the “museum.” For example, students might greet visitors, present information or answer questions.